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The Holyoke Preservation Trust is a non-profit 501C3 organization that works to preserve Holyoke's historic architectural heritage for present and future generations. We believe that Holyoke's history and historic architecture is a unique and valuable asset. We aim to educate, inspire and encourage historic preservation throughout the city by offering programs, information, and support to those who share our ideals.
All submissions with the 2 completed forms (brochure and Form #2) must be dropped off at Judd's Restaurant located in Holyoke at Gateway City Arts, 92 Race Street, during hours of operation.
DOWNLOAD PDFs with Information and Applications for 2022
Parents/Guardians/Teachers are encouraged to assist the K-5 students with the application form.
Media Articles
Watch Mass Appeal on Friday, March 11, 2022
Resource list is a large file. Once opened, use Ctrl-F and search the word, Holyoke. 6Resour
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