The Holyoke Preservation Trust is a non-profit 501C3 organization that works to preserve Holyoke's historic architectural heritage for present and future generations. We believe that Holyoke's history and historic architecture is a unique and valuable asset. We aim to educate, inspire and encourage historic preservation throughout the city by offering programs, information, and support to those who share our ideals.

ART Exhibit
Holyoke Heritage State Park
September 1, 2023 - October 30, 2023
Celebrating Holyoke's 150th
Looking back & Looking Forward
Congratulations to all the award winners!

Grades K-5
Best Painting
1st Place: Dinosaur Ghosts, Zakaria Zian
2nd Place: The Holyoke Masterpiece, Sophie King
3rd Place: Untitled, Ben Pasquini
Honorable Mention: Dinosaur Track, Mina Zian
Best Mixed Medium
1st Place: Holyoke Makes One, Mirabelle Hines
2nd Place: Untitled, Jack McCarthy
3rd Place: A Rainbow in Holyoke, Sophia Williams
Grades 6-12
Best Painting
1st Place: Mad Hatter, Greyson Kozikowski
2nd Place: 150th Anniversary, Alissa Renee Hoar
3rd Place: Happy Birthday, Connor Briggs
Best Mixed Medium
1st Place: Volleyball Need More, Dominic Percy
2nd Place: Untitled, Daniel Blaha
Best Painting
1st Place: Boatlock Tailrace, Holyoke, MA, Kimberly Beauregard
2nd Place: 1908, Harold Dumas
3rd Place: When Smoke Was Good, Charles Gould
Honorable Mention:
The Convent, Lora Barrett
The Armory at Sunset, Stephen Oparowski
Light on Whiting Reservoir, Russell Steven Powell
Best Photograph
1st Place: Image of Forgotten Stairs, Brian Whalen
2nd Place: Holyoke City Hall, Norman Halpern, MD
Best 3D Art
1st Place: My City, Tom Kass
Best Mixed Medium
1st Place: Mt. Tom in Spring, Sandra Dias
2nd Place: Heading Home to Holyoke, Bridget Bresnahan
3rd Place: Sprinkling Hope and Happiness Over Holyoke, Beverly Sabourin
Best Poetry/Storytelling
1st Place: Golden Ages, Mary E. Johnson