The Holyoke Preservation Trust is a non-profit 501C3 organization that works to preserve Holyoke's historic architectural heritage for present and future generations. We believe that Holyoke's history and historic architecture is a unique and valuable asset. We aim to educate, inspire and encourage historic preservation throughout the city by offering programs, information, and support to those who share our ideals.
The Mission of the Holyoke Preservation Trust
The HPT is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of people interested in the preservation and restoration of local historic and cultural resources primarily within the City of Holyoke and to provide education for responsible economic development through preservation classes, lectures and historic trades apprenticeships.
The Trust is dedicated to developing relationships with organizations that share the goals of preservation, education and appropriate reconstruction of historic and cultural aspects of early peoples, their development, immigration and industrialization in early America, specifically the City of Holyoke.
October 23, 2013